Thursday, July 10, 2014


I have been fighting with myself about blogging and really all social media for many years. To be honest I am a bit overwhelmed by it all, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Blogger and I can't name anymore because that is how behind I am. I guess it could be showing my age? Nope, a ton of my friends take to it like a bee in a clover field. I KNOW that Facebook and blogs have forever changed the fabric of our culture and I am curious what the outworking of it all will be. I wonder what it will mean for my kids. Will they know that you can't make "friends" by clicking a button and that just because you think something doesn't mean the World Wide Web needs to hear it? I worry about my own social skills which aren't amazing in the first place. I sometimes feel that part of my brain malfunctioning. The part that helps you engage in conversations and make new friends and grow old ones. I am afraid for how Facebook has changed the way we view relationship and what we define as "knowing" someone.
Anyways, I still have a lot of "issues" with social media that I am still working through. I would rather go out to coffee with you or have you over for dinner, but I understand that miles and busy schedules can keep us from sharing daily life together. So I'm thinking, if my friends & I can keep a little more relationship going in between the face-to-face meetings, then blogging is totally worth it! I suck at calling people on the phone and with two very loud girls in my house all the time the best time to talk is late at night, which makes for a convenient time to blog about the day...or sleep!
I won't blog to make money or build a following, I will blog in an attempt to keep my friendships growing. I will not stop getting together face-to-face, but the deeper I get into my growing family & business and all of your lives being full as well, the frequency of hangouts are less than what I would like. So I will read about your lives and hopefully you'll do the same, because I love you all and truly would spend so much more time with you if I could!
Here goes...


Katrina Hope said...

I'm excited - you're one of my dearest friends, and nothing can replace the sweetness of time spent face to face, but I totally think blogging can help us stay up to date on the happenings and memories in each others lives so we can jump right in when we're together!! I'm just 20 minutes away, and I still find myself missing you and your family often! Love you!! (And that banner image is AMAZING!!)

Elise Mitchell said...

Thanks Kate! I love you more than I could express online. :)