Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Becoming a Mom for me has truly exposed me to the very core & left me undone.
I never thought I was a really selfish person.
I never thought I was an angry person.
Oh, but these little humans that I share a home with have been designed by God to push every button I have & know exactly the right combination in which to bring the worst out of me.
Sometimes I feel like they join forces. Auri starts off whining for a snack after barely touching the breakfast I made her, Luci is yelling because her demands can't be heard over Auri's whining. I have to, with my mind reading powers, figure out what kind of food Luci will eat today & then play the taste & see game. As soon as I sit down to eat & drink my lukewarm coffee they are done & ready to play. Our house is pretty chopped up in terms of rooms & because they are not quite at the age where they can play nice unsupervised for very long at all, I take my food on the go & rarely get to finish it.
Some Moms have girls who are so sweet & docile, content to sit & play with dolls for hours. Not mine! Both my girls are always on the move it seems. The messiest activities are the most attractive to them. They love variety & new experiences, which I blame 100% on my husband. Jeff is kind of the same way in an adult version. He expresses it in his desire for new & gourmet food most nights & rarely agrees to eat leftovers. The girls express it in looking for new activities every 20 minutes.
These days I feel like my whole day is spent on damage control. Toys, food, clothes & random crap is everywhere by dinner time & unless I want to spend my quiet evening time before bed cleaning I have to keep a lid on the mess somehow during the day. Some days I anticipate their next move & can keep the destruction at bay, other days it is a complete wasteland.
My complete inability to function in a messy house is my Mom's fault! Sorry Mom :) She is a clean freak & a control freak. She knows this. She did an excellent job teaching us kids how to keep a house clean & she had very high expectations. The downside is that with two very active girls a little piece of me has to die each day as I learn to live in chaos. This is hard for me. I get mean & nasty when I care more about the condition of my house than the condition of my girls. And the best part is my little 4 year old can spot it so fast, at least I know I am teaching her well on what a bad attitude looks like. She will often say, "Mommy, you're being nasty."
Whether it's Luci waking up too damn early in the morning, Auri finding a $10 tube of anti-fungal cream & rubbing it all over her body, Luci playing in the toilet water, Auri pooping in the front yard, wrestling Luci to just change her diaper or Auri dumping a pound of nails & screws on the shop floor; they are driving my ugliest attributes right out into the open air so I have to face them head on. It's a painful exorcism.
I'm not shocked to see my sin, just really sad & disgusted. I am extremely grateful for the blood of Jesus & His grace. I am learning more about Jesus, His love for me & His commitment to my salvation in this journey called Motherhood, then I ever did in any church service or program.
In the last year I have been stripped down to the most common denominator in so many areas of life that I am seeing it's all about Who loves me, who I love & how I love them.
The 2 words that cross my lips the most when talking to my girls every day are the two words I need the most in my own heart. Patience & Kindness. When I feel my head about to explode, profanity about to pour out my mouth, anger on my lips, if by the grace of God I catch myself all I can think of is: Love is Patient. Love is Kind. I know my girls will never be able to learn patience & kindness until they see it demonstrated in me first.
God help me be a patient & kind Mom.


Katrina Hope said...

Lou, I love you and I SO love that you are sharing a little piece of your life and mind here. I think you're the greatest - your humor and your kindness make life with you wonderful, and while those little tiny humans are pushing all your buttons, they are still so blessed to have you for a mommy. And I love how humble and open you are to continue to grow, and to listen to the smallest voice in the room (albeit, maybe the loudest), when they tell you you're being nasty. Save a baby for when I can join too - k? You'll be the kind pro and I'll be shitting my pants daily and crying and calling my toddlers tyrants. ;)

Elise Mitchell said...

I love being able to talk to you here :) Thanks for the encouragement, Lord knows I need a truck load of it! You will be an awesome Mom and I will be right there telling you when you forget and need a little encouragement.