The room is dark and quiet, except for the calming wurr of the white noise machine. I am alone, except for the little angel in my arms and this is the moment I think about blogging.
My brain begins logging all the thoughts of the day, the happenings, the ideas, any sparks of creativity and dumping them into the forefront so I get all inspired to share them with you. I just wish I could type things up in my brain and have them show up on my computer later. (I'm sure technology will have that someday) Because I always forget the best parts when I turn to silently close the door behind me after laying Averly down.
Well tonight I felt compelled to write as soon as I came downstairs. So I am avoiding the kitchen and living room which would suck me into picking up crap the rest of my night. BTW: I have lowered my standard of cleanliness so far that I am okay with leaving dishes in the sink up to 7 days if I have to, and I have. I also have relinquished the dream of being able to walk around my house without having to dance the samba around dolls, pens, clothes, and half-eaten granola bars. It still bugs the hell out of me but I have trained that part of my brain to go offline when needed.
I am choosing to sit here and unload a few thoughts.
Today was like most days. There were special little moments where I kissed my kids faces till they begged me to stop. A moment I chuckled at Auri for accurately using the word "Enthralled" in a sentence and then her asking what it meant. A moment I captured how adorable Luci is when she hears a good song and says "Let's dance!" And then there were many more moments of me holding by breath for as long as I could so I wouldn't drop a whole bunch of profanity to get them to shut up and stop arguing with me or with each other. Auri & Luci are in a pretty intense stage right now. They like to play with each other, but Auri has a more sophisticated(controlling) way of wanting to play and Luci has her own ideas and is not really interested in being bossed around. She is also systematically trying to break Auri down by pushing all the wrong buttons. So today was filled with them fighting over stupid things and arguing with me about how to solve the problems they created with each other.
I was SO done by the end of the day, we went out. I had 2 margaritas!! I will survive...I think.
Will they always be this way? Two very different sisters 3 years apart, constantly bugging each other? We try very hard in our home to make the person more important than the "thing". Whatever it is, the other person and your relationship with them is more important to keep in tact. We really drill it into them, so I am hoping that one day it will click in both of them and they will fight to stay friends and sisters, forever!
On a less intense note, but almost just as exasperating; both girls must be in an epic growth spurt, because for many many weeks they have been eating non-stop! I can't keep up. And I have Jeff Mitchell's children so they have sophisticated pallets and more specifically they want variety. They will not eat the same food twice in a row. If you give them a granola bar they want a cheese-stick next followed by some sort of fruit maybe. They are constantly saying, "I'm hungry, can I have a snack" and "I want something else Momma" You gotta keep them interested and excited about the food. You gotta sell it baby! The only easy thing that I probably could get them to eat every time without complaining would be fruit snacks & Mac 'n Cheese. But, I am trying to feed them healthy stuff and not ruin their metabolism or something. Some days I think, forget this! I will feed them what they want and I will explain to them later in life when they have diabetes that I tried but it's all their fault. Then I remember the sugar crashes will be on my time, so I fight a little harder. Being the hard-ass mom sucks! I really hope they love me later for the hard choices I am making right now and don't judge me too harshly for the lazy ones.