Thursday, May 29, 2008

Broadway Lights!

Even though I am a whole time zone away from Jeff, being in Chicago with Momma Mitchell does have its perks. We have gone to 2 excellent broadway shows in 2 nights. The first was Wicked. It was about how the two witches in The Wizard of Oz grew up and were actually friends. They did an excellant job and some of the parts were quite chilling. The overall message was interesting but I couldn't tell if they were trying to champion animal rights or rebelling against the system (probably both)! Anyways, the next show we went to was Jersey Boys! This one I felt guilty going without my Dad, because if it were'nt for him I wouldn't have know any of the songs they sung. The musical showed the rise and fall of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. They sung songs like "Sherry", "Big Girls Don't Cry," "Walk Like a Man," "Can't Take My Eyes Off You," "Oh, What a Night," and more. It was SO FUN! Almost the entire audience was 50 or older, but I enjoyed it as much as they did. Thanks Dad for making me listen to such quality music! :) If ya'll have no idea what group I'm talking about does the name Tonny Divito ring any bells? The only downer of the evening was that I had bought some eye drops and granola bars at Walgreens and the theatre made me throw them away, AAGGHH I should have known and tried to sneak them in, instead of having them in plain view. Oh, well I got some more today and my eyes are no longer blood shot red. Scarry! It's pretty hard to respect and follow someone when they look like they've been smokin' pot. (Don't quote me on that.) - Elise

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