Thursday, May 29, 2008

There is something in our laundry closet!

So, I am still bored so I thought of a priceless story that you all must hear. A few weeks ago Jeff and I were having dinner in our apartment and we heard a noise coming from our laundry closet, which is just off our kitchen. It sounded like there was a rat in there russling around. We opened the door and Jeff grabbed the be honest we were both standing on end! Well we didn't see any rat but we kept hearing the sound of claws on the wall. We finally isolated the sound coming from the heater vent form the dryer going up out of the apartment. Every time I touched the vent we heard the sound. I shook it again violently and felt something fall and try to get back up the pipe. OH MY GOSH!
There is definitely something in that vent!!!
We called maintenance (the joy of renting) and they came over and pulled the dryer out, opened the vent and out stuck a little black wing! They proceeded to pull out 4 DEAD birds from the back of our dryer!! Yah, nasty! Don't worry we washed our clothes again. - Elise


Rachel Sarah said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere from C.C.Monroe-ville. :>) Our first place was a small cabin in the woods - our bedroom was a loft. We had a problem with mice in the walls; I remember several sleepless nights listening to their scratching, hoping they would stay in the walls. We poisoned them out eventually.

Katrina Hope said...

Come home!!! :(

I miss you.