So I am sure you have all notcied that, blogging is not easy for me when I am in the company of my Hubby, he is just so much more fun than blogginf. Anyways, it is not fare to you, so I will try my best to keep it up.
Now that I am in the humid and boring Houston, TX, I am very much missing our little home. We just did some decorating in the living room to make it feel a bit more like a unified room.
As you can see, Jeff and I are minimalists when it comes to the fancy things. We like to keep it simple, fresh and uncluttered. We bought a picture and two side tables for our couch. You can't see them too well but they are simple dark wood square boxes. We think it feels cozy! :) We love to have people over, so if anybody looks at this and desires to relax in it's tranquility, give us a call, we'd love to have you over. Here Jeff is eating some frozen grapes...a great hot summer day treat.
I miss this place already!!! (I agree, it IS cosy!) When you two get back I will be so ready for a pool day, and some of your delicious salad...and Jeff's french press with honey and cream (no matter how hot it is outside!).
You are favorites!!!
Just curious if you'll get a notification and be magically prompted to start blogging again.... :)
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