Monday, May 2, 2016

Goal #2

I'm about to celebrate my 30th birthday and I finally learned how to French braid. (Gasp!) I know. How could I go almost 30 years without knowing how to do this? I'm not quite sure. I guess one reason could be I was never really into my "looks" so I didn't learn all the tricks to make yourself look beautiful. My idea of a fancy hair style growing up was sleeping on sponge curlers all night and waking up with bouncy ringlets. But I figured with 3 daughters now I've gotta up my game. So my older sister was visiting and I happened to mention that I still needed to acquire this right-of-passage skill set. She very quickly showed me the ropes...pretty easy. Now I'm practicing on the girl's hair whenever they let me. Simple. Boring. But I will forever mark my 30th year as the year I learned to French Braid! :)

1 comment:

Katrina Hope said...

Love it! I'd also add it might have had something to do with how thick and gorgeous your hair naturally always was - you don't have to do a thing to it and it looks AMAZING. Plus, I remember french braiding your hair, and it was the toughest I've ever braided - it was so shiny and it would slip out from your fingers. Yes, I say blame this on having too darn good of hair. ;) PS - I'll let you practice on mine any time you want. :)